Okay, okay. We’re reaching back a few years here, but the same rules still apply. (And we need content to kick off our new blog!) This article "Pruning Power" was published in the July 2003 edition of Lawn and Landscape. All the same rules apply though. Trust me, Moon’s been pruning trees for more than 200 years. It think we’ve got it down pat.
When I asked Mark about helping me write this piece, I expected some push back along the lines of "prioprietary information." Nope. He was happy to share, explaining that most growers know what to do, they just don’t take the time to do it right. Hmm, makes a lot of sense. And if you use Moon material, you know it makes A LOT of cents too.
Exerpt from "Prunining Power":
Whether your company handles large commercial design/build projects or maintains residential properties, as far as your customers are concerned, you are their professional for all things horticulture. Tree care may not be your specialty, but learning the basics keeps your customers coming to you for answers instead of calling the competition.
One of the largest and arguably the best investments your customers make to improve the appeal and value of their properties is installing young trees, so caring for them is essential.
Each tree species (and cultivar) is unique, and ultimately requires individual attention to meet its specific needs. Fortunately, there are general rules that apply and can improve your overall knowledge of pruning.
Pruning practices used to create a strong, healthy tree are the same actions used to promote a visually beautiful tree. A healthy tree will grow strong and sturdy through maturity, providing not only function and beauty as nature intended, but safety for its surroundings, as well.
MAKING THE CUT. Before pruning a "young" tree – between 1½- and 2-inch caliper – you should have a good visual idea of the tree’s natural growth habit. It is always best to support young trees by pruning to encourage this habit.
Begin by choosing the proper tools for the job. There are many available, from scissors to shears to saws. Whichever you use, be sure that it is sharp, sterile and in good repair. Always make clean, deliberate cuts to a tree’s tissues. This will allow each cut the best possible opportunity to heal. Specific placement of the cut will depend on the location and purpose of the removal…..Read more at Lawn and Landscape.