A look inside whats happening on the farm.
Autumn, considered by many to be the most beautiful of the seasons in the Mid Atlantic and North-East. It is a season recognizable from space by the rich paint like…
Read MoreWhy wait years or even decades to receive the shade and majesty a large caliper arborous selection will provide? While smaller caliper trees can usually be moved by the old…
Read MoreThis week we are featuring two cultivars of Ilex verticilata ‘Berry Heavy’ and ‘Sparkleberry’. The Ilex genus contains over 400 various evergreen and deciduous trees, shrubs and climbers that thrive…
Read MoreThis small and productive fruiting deciduous tree is of the Rosaceae family, and is commonly referred to as the Siberian Crabapple. It possesses the best cold weather hardiness of any…
Read MoreThis week we are shining the spotlight on Amelanchier grandiflora ‘Autumn Brilliance’. If you aren’t familiar with them yet, you ought to be. Known as Juneberry trees, or Apple serviceberrys,…
Read MoreRhododendron x 'P.J.M.' is a broadleaf rhododendron hybrid popular in North America. It takes it’s name because it grows well in the Pennsylvania, Jersey, and Maryland region. The 1,0140 known…
Read MoreWe are excited to shine a spotlight this week on 3 highly distinguished and historically unequaled varieties of Beech, Fagus sylvatica, Fagus sylvatica ‘Pendula’, and Fagus sylvatica ‘Asplenifolia’. A striking…
Read MoreVaccinium corymbosum 'Patriot' is a cold hardy fruiting bush that grows best in hardiness zone’s 3-7. It is favored by home orchardists for it’s plentiful bounty and perseverance in many…
Read MoreIntroduced the US less than 20 years ago by Frank J. Schmidt and Sons, Co, the Zelkova serrata ‘Musashino’ has made quite a name for itself as an ornamental and…
Read MoreMoon Nurseries has an abundance of tree form Pee Gee and Tardiva hydrangea paniculatas right now! Commonly known as Hydrangea Grandiflora, the Pee Gee hydrangea paniculata is a dazzling and…
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